Thursday, July 5, 2012

My husband, the doctor

Went in for an ultrasound two days ago. 

What I wanted to hear: "Everything looks GREAT!  Come back in two days and we'll get this party started (aka get on with IUI #1)!!"

What I actually heard:  "Your follicles aren't growing.  Come back in two days."

Wah-wah (insert sad trombone here).

Fast-forward to today.

What I wanted to hear:  "Everything looks GREAT!  Come back in two days and we'll get this party started!!"

What I actually heard:  "Your follicles aren't growing.  Here's some syringes and medication.  You'll have to inject yourself at home."

Now, I'm by no means afraid of needles, but injecting myself is not at the top of my bucket list.  Fortunately, I enlisted my husband (who loves me dearly, by the way) and he stuck me like a pro.  Thanks, Babe!

***The above conversations have been summarized for dramatic effect.***

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