Thursday, July 17, 2014

I'm back!

I took a couple days' hiatus to join Mama in the California Redwoods for the annual See Family Reunion.  I got to sleep in a tent and spend all day being passed around between all of Mama's cousins and aunts and uncles!  I had to sit in the car for 14 hours on the drive home, but Mama kept me company in the back seat and I only fussed a little.  Here's a few highlights from our trip:
Family picture day with Grandma, Mama, Aunt Stacey, Opa, and me
Cousin Patty being silly with my bow
What can I say; when you're tired, you're tired!
Mama giving me snuggles while trying to get some work done
Cozy in the tent
The See clan being silly

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