Thursday, July 17, 2014

I'm back!

I took a couple days' hiatus to join Mama in the California Redwoods for the annual See Family Reunion.  I got to sleep in a tent and spend all day being passed around between all of Mama's cousins and aunts and uncles!  I had to sit in the car for 14 hours on the drive home, but Mama kept me company in the back seat and I only fussed a little.  Here's a few highlights from our trip:
Family picture day with Grandma, Mama, Aunt Stacey, Opa, and me
Cousin Patty being silly with my bow
What can I say; when you're tired, you're tired!
Mama giving me snuggles while trying to get some work done
Cozy in the tent
The See clan being silly

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mrs. Nichols

Mama and I met her former teacher and friend Mrs. Nichols for lunch today.  She is expecting her first grand-baby at the end of the month, so she snuck in some practice holding me and making me smile.  Little Hudson will be lucky to have her!

(Not) helping Papa study

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Toy box

I think I will pull everything out and throw it on the living room floor!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Practicing my new skill...

...while simultaneously giving Mama and Papa mini heart attacks.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Last week, Mama and I started swimming lessons.  Today was my last day. I didn't quite get to making bubbles or scooping with my hands, but I can jump off the wall into Mama's arms and kick like there's no tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crime scene?!

...or strawberries?

You be the judge:

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