Sunday, November 10, 2013

This mama is done!

Tomorrow marks 37 weeks and officially "full term" (yeah, yeah, the guidelines have changed recently, but I'm ready to get this girl out, so I'm grandfathering myself in)!

I'm a little more achy, swollen, exhausted, and (Nate's favorite) complain-y every day that goes by.  I am officially on maternity leave, though still waiting to get started on the new at-home job (this week maybe???).

Emma is measuring right on schedule, but Mommy and Daddy would love to meet her whenever she's ready.  Next appointment is this Thursday...hoping to find out if she's making any progress.

Let's have a little fun and see when you think Emma will show her face.  Here's a pool you can join to share your guess.  Just click the link, then click "Guess Now" in the box in the middle of the page.  There's no prize other than bragging rights, but a little extra love to those praying for sooner than later.  :-)

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