Thursday, October 17, 2013

Good times in the ER

Today started out pretty normal.  Woke up with Nate at 5:30 to make lunches and then headed back to snuggle under the covers for a little bit before getting up for work.  Skipped my morning walk with Lexi Lou...someone must have known I would be needing extra rest today.

I arrived for work early, as I usually do, and headed to my first class.  The student I work with had a short conference with her professor at the end of class, putting me about 2 minutes behind on getting to my next assignment.  Doesn't sound too bad, but when you have to disassemble and pack up a bunch of equipment, navigate through and around crowds of students toward a new building, and then reassemble aforementioned equipment, all within a 10-minute time frame, 2 minutes can make or break you.

I guess I was feeling the pressure.  About 100 feet in front of the entrance to the building -- one of the busiest on campus, of course -- I tripped over myself.  Or my shoe.  Or a crack in the cement.  Or something that caused me to fall hard to the ground on my knees, then my belly, and finally my hands -- er, brand new iPhone.

Of course, panic surged and, as several students surrounded me, I burst into tears.  On any other day, I would have stood up, red-faced, brushed myself off and headed to class.  But not today. 
I am a mom.
I have a baby to protect, and all I could think about was making sure she was safe.

A very kind student called for help and stayed with me until they arrived (along with several other though I wasn't mortified enough at that point).  I weighed my options and, though I was feeling well and Emma was flip-flopping around inside, I agreed to be ambulanced to the hospital.

Mom and Nate met me at LAC-USC and patiently waited the 6 hours it took for the doctor to feel comfortable releasing me.  After blood tests, fetal heart monitoring, exams, fluids, and an ultrasound, she said Miss Emma looks "excellent."  Phew! 

Thankfully all is well.  We can't wait to meet our little girl, but she's not quite ready to meet us yet, and we are happy to wait!



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