Hi. I'm Lisa. I've been married to my husband Nate for about two and a half years. Last year we decided to embark on a new adventure together, and on May 1, 2011 (as my friend JJ says) we pulled the goalie! Since then, we've anxiously awaited Aunt Flo's visit each month, and though she was always tardy, she inevitably showed up without fail. Until now...
Since I've been on birth control for more years than I can remember, I forgot what it was like to not be able to predict exactly when my fun little friend would show up. So each month brought anxiety and anticipation, 13 total wasted pregnancy tests, and much disappointment.
This month started out no different. According to MyMonthlyCycle, I would be craving, cramping, and crying on January 4th. I paid no attention to the date because it has yet to prove true. However, being the curious/anxious/paranoid person that I am (hence the 13 tests in 6 months), I stopped by Walmart one day and grabbed some deodorant, body wash...where was I going with this? Oh, yeah...and a box of Clearblue Easy's.
When I got home I went directly to the bathroom so I could ease my mind that my Friday-night-bottle-of-wine ritual would be just as harmless as the countless in the past. About three minutes later, I looked down and there it was, that 8-letter word I had yet to see without "not" in front of it: PREGNANT!
For a minute, my heart stopped. I giggled, ran downstairs, talked crazy to the dog for a minute, sat down, caught my breath, checked the test again, and stared at the ceiling in a second of panic. And then I rejoiced!
I had previously invited my family out for an evening hike hosted by one of the local parks. Knowing I have the worst poker face ever, I decided to wait until everyone left after the hike to share the news with Nate. While we were out, as "I know something you don't know" was dancing in my head, he held my hand, and I fell in love all over again.
After we got home and settled into our PJs to watch a movie, I showed Nate the test and a flood of tears and laughter came over me. It was amazing. I can't remember ever feeling so giddy. We sat in silence for a minute letting it sink in. Nate said, "We did it!"
And then we started the movie...
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